I have been asking myself this question for a long time. I believe that good business equals people. The better team you have in your business, the better chances you have to succeed one way or another. If shit hits the fan it’s all about the team to figure out the solutions. For any business to thrive and flourish, it’s about engaged, and smart people who know how to solve problems and move things forward.

People quit, and it’s Okay

If you run a company, trying to build a team, and create a sustainable business, you need to train people a lot and build a space for them to be better and better in what they are meant to do. But people leave, and it’s OK.

We all know companies that are hundreds of years old. So how do they function beyond the ideas and mind of one person, or even a team?

build sustainable business

The answer is boring, and it’s Okay

Systems, procedures, structure, focusing on knowledge base independent of the people working in the company. This is how huge corporations work, I don’t like them in general, but this is one thing I like about them and try to copy.

It’s not a bad thing for both the business and the people within the company. It doesn’t devalue talented people, it doesn’t make anyone less important. It makes their job easier, more enjoyable, and creates a lot of space for the truly important things, as well as giving access to the crucial knowledge to every single person who will benefit from this.

When they leave

If someone leaves, half of the business doesn’t walk out with that person. So the business should continue to work regardless of who is operating and executing it.